ISP Billing
Management Software

No Installation Required. Online Access. Affordable Pricing & Premium Tech Support.
ISP Billing software’s entire process is automated, and follows the rules you specify. A preferred choice for ISP startups, our software helps you quickly start, grow and develop into a full ISP.
Feature rich, scalable, our ISP Billing software is designed with your needs in mind. You can manage your ISP business without paying a fortune. It includes prepaid & postpaid features, billing, payment, real-time statistics and usage reports and all features that simplifies your every day tasks, saving you time and money.
Benefits of
ISP Billing Management System.
- Set Admin’s account access level.
- Set Employee’s account access level.
- Set Client’s account access level.
- Informative and Attractive Dashboard.
- Active, Inactive, Renewed clients status.
- SMS API : Integrate with third-party software.
- City, Area and Sub-Area Wise Problem Graph.
- Create or Reply Tickets and Task with Status.
- Paid, Partial, Unpaid and Blocked Clients Status.
- New, Renewed, Deactivated and Left Clients Status.
- Monthly Income and Expense Status with related Reports.
- Collected Bill, Due Bill, Discount and Installation Charge Status.
Unleashed Your Benefits of
ISP Billing Management Software

Business Configuration
- City, Area, Sub Area wise Setup.
- Invoice Generate Period Setup.
- Billing Status Wise Auto Process Setup.
- Connection, Client, Payment Type Setup.
- Speed and Price wise Package Configuration.
- Notification through Email or SMS Panel Setup.
- Department, Designation, Salary Rate and Job Type wise Setup.
Client Management
- Keep record of Left Client List.
- Active, Inactive & Free or Paid Client List.
- Total Client List or related Report Download.
- Smart Client Profile with all the Bill Collection history.
- Add, Edit Bill Generate Amount with discount option.
- Auto Email or SMS sent to the client when a bill received.
- City, Area, Sub-Area, Package, Name, Mobile No. wise Filtering.

Billing Management
- Monthly auto Bill Generate System.
- Set Payment Reminder & Commitment Date.
- Download & Print Bill List with calendar filter.
- Auto Bill Remainder SMS With Their Bill Amount.
- Advance & Due Bill Receive with Discount Facility.
- Online Bill Payment by Client Through Payment Gateway.
- Payment Entry & Send Invoice by Email or SMS To Client.
- Bill Collection & Provide Money Receipt by Pocket Printer.
- Bill Collection by Employee & Admin with Approval System.
HR & Payroll
- Left Employee List for Record.
- Complete HR & Payroll Solution.
- Employee performance appraisal.
- Add Employee with Detail Information.
- Configure Department & Designation.
- Auto Salary Generate & Payment System.
- Configure, Manage & Assign Internal Task.
- Bonus, Overtime, Incentive Payment Option.

Support & Ticketing
- Assign Employee to Solve the Problem.
- List of Daily Complain Informed by Client.
- Configure Problem Category as your need.
- Notify Client Through SMS About Solution.
- Keep Record All the Support & Task History.
- Evaluate Employee Who Solve Most problem.
- Monitor the Total Process & Know the Current Status.
Income & Expense
- Ensuring Business Transparency.
- Entry Category wise Daily Expense.
- Keep Record Any Service-Related Income.
- Total Accounting Solution of Your Business.
- Keep Records of All your Financial Transactions.
- Dynamic Dashboard to see all your Earn & Expense.
- Automatic Calculate the Profit or Loss with Balance Sheet.
- Generate & Print Monthly Balance Sheet with Calendar Filter.

Inventory Management
- Add Your Product with Details.
- Total Inventory Solution of Any Products.
- Sales and Purchase wise Report Generate.
- Purchase, Sale, Stock & Supply Management.
- Low Stock or Expired Product Alert with Report.
- Record Transactions of Bill Payment & Bill Received.
- Add Your Vendor, Suppliers & Customer with Details.
- Generate & Print Voucher, Invoice or Money Receipt.
- Send Invoice or Money Receipt through SMS or Email.
Massage, SMS & Mailing System
- Add SMS Template for Multiple Use.
- Individual or Group SMS From Software.
- Notify About Emergency Announcement.
- Payment Due Notification by SMS or Email.
- Support & Ticketing Related Notification by SMS.
- Configure SMS API or Email Settings as per your business needs.
- Automatic Send SMS or Email to Your Client, Employee or Admin.
- Send Invoice & Money Receipt confirmation through SMS or Email.

Client Dashboard
- Request for Support & Ticketing.
- Informative Dashboard for Clients.
- Package Upgrade Request System.
- All Information About Clients Profile.
- Record Transactions of Bill Payment.
- Bill Payment Through Online by Client Own.
- Print Invoice, Bill Payment History through Report Section.
- Get Notification of notice, news, upgrade or any troubleshooting.
Employee Dashboard
- Informative Dashboard for Employee.
- All Information About the Clients Profile.
- Package Upgrade Request approve or deny.
- All Information About the Employee himself.
- Response any Support Ticket made by client.
- Instant Notice and Client Payment Reminder.
- Bill Collection & Payment related Reports print.
- Bill or any other Payment receive Through the panel.

Admin Dashboard
- Informative Dashboard for Admin.
- Full Control over Client & Employee.
- Super Power to Manage and gain profit.
- Package Upgrade Request approve or deny.
- Received Bill from Client Profile by One Click.
- Maximize the business opportunity & gain trust.
- All Information About the Clients and Employees.
- Record Transactions of Bill Payment & Bill Received.
- Monitor & Track Record of Business Earn & Expense.
- Reply, Add or Assign any Support & Ticketing from Client.
- Send notice, news, upgrade or troubleshooting related information.
Payment Gateway
- Highly Secured & Safety Ensured.
- Easily Bill Payment by Client Own.
- Automatic Payment Add to Your Billing List.
- API Integrated with Online Payment Gateway.
- bKash, Nagad, Rocket, SSLCommerz & other Payment gateway options available.

Role & Permission Based Access
- Different Role for Different User.
- User Group wise Permission set.
- System of Billing Approval by Admin.
- Access & Perform Only Provided Duties.
- Assign the Responsibility Based on Role.
- Ensure the Confidentiality of Your Business.