Pharmacy Management

Increase Efficiency across Dispensing, Medication Management, Clinical Workflows and Billing Systems

Pharmacy Management Software (PMS) to use for handling the medicine stock, client transactions, ledger balance and stock reports. Pharmacy Management Information System solves all your issues of managing the medical shop. Our Pharmacy Management Software used to keep records of medicine, no more worries of handing the stock, Generation of bill, Invoice and other back-end process of custom reports. Pharmacy Management Software helps to keep track of expired medicine, low medicine stock alert and sell or return medicine that slow item or expired. Our Pharmacy Management Software helps to find the availability and shortage of stock, fast-moving medicines recorded before stock close down. Billing simplified using our POS barcode enabled system and can be integrated on demand basis.

Our Pharmacy Management System can be configured to work with Clinic or Hospitals. It can also work as autonomous software to manage outpatient pharmacy with point of sale, inpatient pharmacy and drug dispensing. Pharmacy software has inbuilt enterprise level inventory management system with distribution and stock control modules. E-Claims integrated with the pharmacy workflow make it, even more, easier to receive money from insurance without much of an issue.

Ensure healthy margins,
quick service and loyal customers

A fully integrated retail and dispensing software for pharmacies of all sizes.

One Global Product

One product across the Globe, so that we we bring in innovation and new updates across all the installations, irrespective of any region.

Change Request

Wherever frequent changes needed we have automated. Users have the power to configure the system the way they need it.

Business Rules

Your business, your rules. We made rules engine so that you can define your rules. Use rules for improving patient care and to generate more revenue.

Benefits of Pharmacy
Management System?

  • Patient Registration.
  • Health Insurance Management.
  • Billing Module (Cash, Insurance and Corporate).
  • Sales Management.
  • E-claim Management (Submission & Payments).
  • E-prescription Management.
  • Control drug workflow.
  • Purchase request.
  • Purchase Order.
  • Purchase Invoice.
  • Stock Adjustment.
  • Stock Monitoring.
  • MIS Reports ( Trend analysis).

Unleashed Your Benefits of
Pharmacy Management Software

Shop Automation

Billing & Accounting

Medicine Stock Books

Increase your efficiency with

Designed to facilitate routine pharmacy jobs
Perform your daily tasks easily and rapidly

Our Pharmacy Software is designed to make routine tasks in your pharmacy quicker to perform, with fewer clicks. You and your staff can find all the key functions you need for your daily work in the Pharmacy Role Center. Check which orders are open and which ones are ready to pick up at POS; print labels for the orders, including dosage instructions, warning text and more. With clear steps, helpful prompts and a logical flow of information catered to your routines, the system helps you serve your customers rapidly and effectively.

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